Poezi sot e ka diten e vet – Jeton Kelmendi 21 mars 2025, Prishtinë
POEZIA SOT E KA DITEN E VET Kam hyrë sot në një varg,dhe fryma më mori, pa ndal,nëpër vargje tjera që rrjedhin,si lumenj të pafund
POEZIA SOT E KA DITEN E VET Kam hyrë sot në një varg,dhe fryma më mori, pa ndal,nëpër vargje tjera që rrjedhin,si lumenj të pafund
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FJALA BËHET URË NË DITËN QË S’KA ARDHUR… – Përcjellje vargjeve të Jeton Kelmendit – Nga Visar Zhiti – Të lutem botë, duaje më shumë
Emel KOŞAR (TURKEY) Dr. Emel Koşar was born in Eskişehir. In 2003, she graduated from Turkish Language and Literature Department of the Faculty of Arts
Acad. Prof. Jeton Kelmendi PhD
Poet, player, publicist, translator, publisher, a professor of university and academic.
Born in the city of Peja, Kosovo (1978), Jeton Kelmendi completed elementary school in his birth place. Later he continued his studies at the University of Pristina and received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Mass communication. He completed his graduate studies at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium, specializing in International and Security Studies. He finished his second master degree in diplomacy….